Is not closed for 2024-2025. pleae contact our financial secretary
gabe Campese, (941) 661-3098.

Payment Options - Quick, Easy, Safe and Secured payments through PayPal (use your own PayPal account or a credit card) are now available to you, to pay your dues on-line.  Click on the Link at ----

Our new Fraternal Year begins on July 1 and as such, we have our annual dues invoices. We have had the same dues structure for many years and this year you will notice a change as we have eliminated the voluntary dues for our Membership Assistance and Seminarian funds. These are now included within our total dues assessment which has also changed to $50 for Regular Membership dues. Honorary dues remain at $10. Honorary Life members are dues exempt.

You are always welcome to and encouraged to support our Brothers and Seminarians with a donation at any time.

Dues are payable as of July 1 and we would appreciate you paying by July 15th.
Need help with your dues payment? Please drop a note to our Financial Secretary at or contact any of our officers. 

Need help paying on line? Please call Financial Secretary, Gabe Campese, at 941.661.3098
 and he'll get on the phone with you and walk you right through it. 


Why We Pay Dues

Commitment: You are making a continuous financial and personal commitment to your council and its goals.
Long-term planning: Your council will be able to project what its financial resources will be in the future, making it possible to plan long-term actions and charities.
Independence from outside pressure: Your council will not have to constantly chase for donations from many sources and be at the mercy of those sources.
Accountability: Your council is accountable to you and the council members, but not to the donors.
Supreme and State Fees: Your council has to pay a Per Capita (dues) fee per member each year to the Supreme Council. Also, your council has to pay a Per Capita (dues) fee per member each year to the State Council. Your dues fund these payments.
Charity Donations Reduced:  Your Council must pay Supreme and State Council fees for those Brothers who do not pay their Council dues. This reduces the funds available to your Council for it's donations to your Parish and community.

Special Payments - Honorary Membership
Members who have attained the actual age of 65 years and who have been members of the Order for 25 consecutive years, are designated as Honorary Members and as such, are eligible for lowered membership dues. You will use the Membership Dues Honorary Options just below the Membership Dues Options.

Honorary Life Membership
Members who have attained the actual age of 70 years and who have been members of the Order for 25 consecutive years, and those who have been members of the Order for 50 consecutive years, regardless of age, are designated as Honorary Life Members and dues not are assessed.